To give you all a quick breif, I'm back in France, and start school again in 2 days. And what's more I have lots of recipes I'll be sharing with you in an unusually short space of time, because despite the lack of posts, I have been really domestic goddess-ing myself mad.
Todays effort started with the lack of school for me, and the fact that everybody else actually DOES have school/work. And thus, as we all know, being left to my own devices I generally end up somewhere along this line of thought- food:cake:chocolate:alcohol:boys:lack of boys:MTV
SO I improvised a cake: a chocolate cake: a chocolate malibu cake: a chocolate malibu cake for a boy: a chocolate malibu cake because the boy can't come to see me: a chocolate malibu cake for me while watching MTV. Exhale.
1 1/2 cups of regular flour
1 cup of castor sugar
1/4 cup of cocoa powder (I would definitly add more next time around- at least 1/2-3/4 cup)
1 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder
1/4 teaspoon of salt
1/3 cup of butter, melted
100 ml of Malibu
140 ml of water
2 teaspoons of vanilla essence
2 egg whites, beaten until soft peaks form
3/4 cup of dessicated coconut
200g of milk chocolate (for icing)
60g of butter, extra (for icing)
Preheat your oven to 170 degrees C° and grease/line a regular 20cm cake tin.
In a large bowl, sift together all of the dry ingredients, then form a well in the center.
Pour in the melted butter and vanilla extract, then gradually add the water and Malibu, combining with a whisk.
Add the beaten egg whites, gently stirring with a soup spoon until its well combined.
Pour into the cake tin and bake for around 35 minutes, or until skewer comes out clean.
When the cake is cooled, melt the chocolate and extra butter in a meduim dish in the microwave (or of course you can go old-fashioned and do the whole hot water in saucepan + another bowl in saucepan shenanigans if you so please) and stir frequently until all is melted and well combined.
TOP YOUR CAKE and then eat it with your sister in fronts of MTV's '16 and mother' program comme moi...